Stress Relief and Self Care Tools And Resources For Carers and Caregivers Of Loved Ones

Revive And Survive

How To Be Happy In Your Life!

Would you like to have in your toolbox a few ways to learn how to be happy in your life through making some simple changes that will help you create more happiness for yourself? I realise if you are in a bit of a rut and feeling quite unhappy with circumstances that you can’t change […]

I Need A Hero

Visiting YouTube the other day searching for something completely different, the words “I need a hero” boomed out at meĀ as I came across an old song that had started playing on a playlist that I had inadvertently opened. These words just happened to strike a chord with me in that moment in time. I hadn’t […]

Coloring Apps For Adults – Free

I recently came across some free coloring apps for adults for smart phones. Since I’ve already written a blog on coloring and its benefits to adults for stress relief, I wanted to let you know you can now find coloring in ‘to go’ in a handy portable method, accessible right there on your smart phone. […]

How To Relax Kids


How to relax kids in today’s world is becoming more and more elusive and difficult due to children being exposed to higher incidences of stressful situations in everyday life.   Relax Kids – The Wishing Star   Marneta Viegas wrote a book called The Wishing Star, now part of a series known as ‘Relax Kids’, […]

What Is Mindfulness For?

Miracle Mindfulness - Straightens a stiff neck

  What is mindfulness for, did I hear you ask? I’m glad you did. You have perhaps heard about it, but have been wondering what it actually is. Do you suffer from over-thinkingitis? Are you unable to quiet your mind enough to even lapse into sleep, let alone a peaceful one? Can I recommend a […]

Wholetones Michael S Tyrrell: How Does It Work?

Wholetones Michael S Tyrrell

After having written an article from a carer’s perspective about how using Wholetones has helped me in times of stress and insomnia, I felt an article more fully depicting how they are believed to work might help others to understand the value of using them, rather than me just telling people that I use Wholetones. […]

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