Stress Relief and Self Care Tools And Resources For Carers and Caregivers Of Loved Ones

Subliminal Self Help CDs – Would You Consider Using Them?

Subliminal self help cds

A leap of faith Is To Try Something New

Subliminal Self Help CDs, would you consider using them, or do they frighten you just a little? When you are looking for ways to feel better, or change something about yourself, or even just to escape for a bit of relaxation, has it ever crossed your mind to give them a try?

Hmm! Interesting!

 I have always found the notion to be an interesting concept and since making a decision to give them a trial, I find that I use them regularly. After all, as Carers, we should have all the tools we can in our arsenal to operate to the best of our ability. A carer may not be the only one who benefits from subliminal messages either it may help the person you care for too.

Very Needed, Very Convenient


Subliminal-self-help-cds, Listening To Subliminal Audio

Listening To Subliminal Audio

I only have a few in my collection so far, perhaps 10, but I plan to obtain many more as I go through my journey. The task of caring for another person, sometimes several people, can really take it out of you physically, emotionally and psychologically and while it may be nice to take some time out of the day to just sit and relax, I often find myself without such time.

Sit Back And Relax

The great thing about an mp3 subliminal message is that you can just listen without concentrating on what is being said. A set of headphones and an iPod or mp3 player can be used if you are not stationary, or just use your stereo, even your car is a perfect place to listen while driving between locations. If you find the time to sit down and actively focus on the music, that is fantastic, but in truth it is not necessary, your subconscious will still hear what it is supposed to. I put them on in the background when I am writing and they help me focus better.


What’s All The Fuss About?


For many people, subliminal messages are not your everyday run of the mill tool for use by Carers or anyone for that matter. In fact, not many people are aware that they are an option. Here’s just a bit of background on subliminal messages to get you up to speed on what they are and how they work. Please note that I refer here to audio and not visual subliminal messages, although they are available and are also another option you may wish to look into.


What Are Subliminal Messages And How Do They Work?


Subliminal_self_help_cds, Soundwaves & subliminal messages

Soundwaves to represent subliminal messages

Subliminal messages are phrases and words, for example, affirmations, that are spoken into a recording. Using special techniques, the recording is then layered over audio which might be music, or relaxing sounds like a waterfall or bird sounds. They are arranged in such a way that they work on the subconscious mind.


Inaudible To The Conscious Mind, But Audible To The Subconscious!


These words and phrases are almost inaudible to the conscious mind, yet sound loud and clear to the subconscious. An example of an affirmation might be a positive saying such as, “I am at peace”, or “I am happy”, and this would be repeated many times on an audio, among other similar phrases depending on what your particular choice of audios is aimed at working on.


1000’s of Affirmations, Over And Over


An audio such as this may contain thousands of such affirmations, all being repeated over and over again. The process is designed to rewire a person’s patterns of thinking, giving them a positive outcome and feeling. In the case of a Carer, we might try affirmations such as “I am strong”, “I am caring”, “My life is great”, “I am calm”, “I stay positive”, to name just a few. I’m sure you would be able to come up with some much better ones than these. I just thought of these off the top of my head.


“There’s An Audio For That!” – Subliminal Messages Can Cover Just About Anything


If this sparks your interest, I will give you an idea of the kinds of subliminal audios that are available that might be relevant to Carers and the people cared for too, however, not just carers and their dependents will find them beneficial. Anyone wanting to bring about change in their lives will find them valuable.


Examples of some of the topics you might find covered by subliminal messages are;


  • Subliminal cds, inner peace

    Looking For Inner Peace? Subliminal Self Help CDs May Just Be The Answer For You

    Burst with energy

  • Get a great night’s sleep
  • Enjoy inner peace
  • Stay calm and collected
  • Dissolve worry and stress
  • Let go of anger
  • Control your emotions
  • Be more self-reliant
  • Let go of the past
  • Boost your self esteem
  • Be more assertive
  • Overcome anxiety

Let Go Of The Stigma!


Subliminal-cds, Will I go crazy

Will Subliminal Messages Send Me All Crazy-like?

For some people there is an element of concern that what you are being fed subconsciously might not be what you think. There is a bit of a stigma surrounding the idea that subliminal messaging might be used for evil purposes.

The company I recommend offer a recording of voices speaking the phrases and words. This goes a long way to show they are transparent and should ease such worries.



Where Do I Get It?


I personally use one particular company’s audios and have been very pleased with the content. I have reviewed them here. I even use them as relaxation music. I’ve made a playlist of some that use bird sounds, some rainfall versions, others are waterfall sounds, and some are just a simple relaxing music.


I’m Listening Right Now!


In fact I am listening to my playlist as I write this article, the particular track playing in the background here currently is called ‘Attract Success’ and I have picked the ‘Stream’ version this time, with little bird calls occasionally through it. I can only just make out the spoken voice on rare moments. I really find them very peaceful and relaxing and also I am able to focus on what I’m doing because it helps to calm my mind enough by drawing my attention enough to it to concentrate on the task at hand and not get distracted by everything around me. I guess it kind of drowns out all the other noises around me much like a filter. I also listen to it at night time quite often, I play the audios as I am trying to go to sleep.


I hope this information on the attributes of subliminal self help CDs is something that may be of as much value to you as it has been valuable to me. After reading this, tell me in the comments below, would you consider using them?


Thank you for reading


Warm Wishes





Leap of Faith image courtesy of

8 thoughts on “Subliminal Self Help CDs – Would You Consider Using Them?

  • Emmanuel says:

    Hello Ange,
    Thank you for caring enough to show us how to get help for ourselves and the people we care for. Subliminal audios are very powerful tools that can help implant suggestions which can and do impact our lives positively. I have personally used subliminal gurus’ audios and like you said, they are marvelous.
    What a better way to implant suggestions for a better life.

    • Ange says:

      Hi Emmanuel.

      Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post. I really love the concept of working on our inner issues from a subconscious level. It seems subliminal messages can be used very effectively to do just that if people like yourself are open to them. I’m really glad you have found subliminal guru’s audios and used them yourself. I work with background sounds on a lot these days. Otherwise I find it difficult to concentrate due to the daily carer responsibilities. I can settle more quickly into writing than if I don’t have anything to help with the constant distractions around me. Let me know if you have any specific subliminal audios that you would recommend.

      Thank you,


  • says:

    Subconsious re-programming is one of the keys to achieving ones true potential but many people think that self-help is a woo dark art when it is really a common sense way of living a fulfilled life.

    This post was interesting, well-written and well presented. I genuinely believe that anyone who needs a mental boost will benefit massively from reading this information.

    I look forward to reading more.

    • Ange says:

      Thank you so much for reading this article and for your lovely comments. I’m so glad that you find self help an area of interest too. The whole concept of subliminal messages is not really such a new one, but I think there have been a few things in the media or in TV shows that have made people a little scared of it over the years. I know my own daughter is a bit afraid of them. But for me, I find I feel better when I listen to them.

      Warm Regards


  • Julie says:

    Wow I had no idea that subliminal self-help CD’s existed in the market. It has been so interesting to read how they work. I’ve been suffering from insomnia recently and was looking for other ways to supplement my lavender oil and meditation nightly routine, and I think this just might be it! I’ll be giving it a try, thank you for sharing.

    • Ange says:

      Hi Julie.

      Thank you for you comment. I was amazed at how easy these CD’s are to use. They are a very unobtrusive way to bring about sleep and I usually leave them on repeat through the night too. My favourite is the stream sound. You can play them in the background while working too and they don’t interfere with your thought patterns. If you are already using oils such as Lavender, I thought I’d mention that I also find Cedarwood to be very calming. You can use it with the Lavender or without. If you’re looking for some good quality therapeutic grade essential oils I can point you in the right direction. I sometimes use the subliminal audios in conjunction with my Wholetones, that I wrote about in another article on this blog, which also work well, either together or separately. I’d love to hear if you found some relief using the subliminal CD’s.

      Warm Regards


  • Nemira says:

    Hello here. I know that affirmations work. Words work too, just I read that words must be repeated few hundred times till it will be planted to the subconscious mind.
    Overall it requires concentration and willingness to repeat over and over. I guess that people lose patience and stop in the middle or in the end of progress which could be made if we would believe in ourselves.
    I have few of CD. One of them is from Louise Hay. It has calming and reassuring effect.
    Thanks for the good read. All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.

    • Ange says:

      Hi Nemira

      Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. That is the beauty of subliminal CDs and mp3s. It takes away the need to do it all yourself, especially when it is so difficult to find time in our busy lives. Losing patience on actively repeating them can be a big factor in whether people receive the true benefits of affirmations. I love Louise Hay’s work and have purchased many items from her recommendations.

      Warm Regards and Keep Well


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